“Quality of Details” forms an important foundation that will lead the Company and other companies within the group toward sustainable growth. This means management that prioritizes creating quality in three aspects to establish balance, namely, economic, social and environmental balance based on international practices. The practice guidelines for implementation are as follows:
- Conduct business honestly and fairly in compliance with the law and trade specifications while promoting clarity and transparency in corporate management to concur with international principles. In addition, support anti-corruption and prevent unlawful gain-seeking while exercising authority to create the greatest fair benefits for stakeholders.
- Promote practices under human rights principles with awareness about the human dignity, rights, freedom and equality of individuals as protected by the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand and related international laws. In addition, respect the local traditions where the Company or another Company within the group is located
- Endeavor to improve and develop work procedures and services with the value chain based on Total Quality Management principles (TQM) to promote quality attitudes for personnel within the organization and added value for customers in addition to promoting long-term growth.
- Encourage effective utilization of resources, which includes reduction and control of social and environmental impacts resulting from the Company’s operations, the operations of other companies in the group and related trade partners.
- Pay attention to and place emphasis on the occupational and environmental health and safety of employees, trade partners and contacts to prevent loss of life and property, including work-related injury or sickness.
- Manage personnel fairly and give importance to labor skill development in addition to promoting work happiness for effective steering of the organization.
- Promote and create innovation with responsibility to society and the environment to increase effectiveness and efficiency with added value for the organization and stakeholders.
- Create sustainable benefits for communities and society. Also support and engage in activities for public gain while promoting employees to have a good conscience for the public and performing good deeds for society.
- Maintain firm commitment to managing risks in all areas in line with international standards to increase opportunities for success and to minimize the chances of failure and loss.
The activities under the sustainable development policies contain indices for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of the Company’s activities and activities of other companies in the group, environment, social and Governance. Important information reflects the responsibility of enterprises to stakeholders and the sustainable development of enterprises. Furthermore, the Company is confident that the aforementioned policies will be effectively, extensively monitored and implemented by employees and executives on every level within the Company and other companies in the group.
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